

Do you know what food traceability and carbon footprinting are?


Food traceability makes it possible to trace the origin, production, processing, and distribution of food products.

In recent years, more and more people have sought to mitigate the effects of climate change through everyday actions. Because caring for the planet is not only the responsibility of large institutions or political leaders, individual decisions also count.

In this context, a concept that seemed to be limited only to production processes becomes important. Traceability is the history of a product. In other words, it is information regarding which company made the product, who made it, which raw materials were used to make it, etc. For example, if a food has manufacturing, marketing, or distribution problems, traceability makes it possible to trace its trajectory to identify the causes.

Role of food traceability in the environment

The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that calculates the total greenhouse gas emissions of a person, organization, or product.

Researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, say that CO2 in the atmosphere has reached record levels. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the carbon footprint of each human or economic activity.

Today, sustainability criteria linked to food is a trend that is gaining momentum around the world. Consumers are more demanding in terms of food traceability; in addition, some countries require sustainability criteria in the production process of the products and foods consumed.

For example, in several countries, the equivalent value of CO2 released into the atmosphere until the product reaches the consumer is placed on the packaging. Thus, consumers understand the magnitude of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. And, as a result, they have begun to demand more sustainable products.

Lastly, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNIB) offers the Master in Environmental Management and Audits.

Source: Trazabilidad alimentaria y huella de carbono: por qué es importante el recorrido de los alimentos hasta la mesa


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