

Did you know that physical exercise helps prevent cancer?


A study indicates that physical exercise helps prevent the risk of seven types of cancer.

In popular culture, it is often said that physical exercise cures various diseases. Specialists in the field have pointed out that the practice of sports is an ally to stay healthy. For this reason, researchers have focused their efforts to determine which exercises are the most recommended; in addition, they have determined which diseases are prevented by physical exercise.

The study entitled Amount and intensity of leisure-time physical activity and lower risk of cancer addresses this issue. In this study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, it has been pointed out that there are seven types of cancer that can be prevented; this thanks to physical exercise.

Physical exercise prevents seven types of cancer

According to the aforementioned study, compared to not exercising, regular physical exercise prevents seven types of cancer. They are as follows: colon cancer, 8 to 14%; breast cancer, 6 to 10%; endometrial cancer, 10 to 18%; kidney cancer, 11 to 17%; myeloma, 14 to 19%; liver cancer, 18 to 27%; and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 11 to 18%.

In this research, 755 were taken as a sample. 459 adults and it was determined that people who exercise more are more likely to have higher chances. That is, the highest percentages of prevention are obtained by those who exercise between 23 and 30 hours of exercise per week.

According to Dr. Arrieta, people who exercise between two and five hours a day have a greater decrease of risk.

Therefore, it is recommended to exercise regularly, as it brings many health benefits, complemented with a healthy diet.

Finally, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNIB) offers the Master in Physical Activity: Sport Training and Management. Source: The seven types of cancer whose risk can be prevented with physical exercise and sport


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