The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) successfully concluded after intense meetings and geopolitical conflicts.
During five days, the representatives of the member countries adopted fifteen resolutions aimed at addressing the world’s most urgent environmental problems, such as climate change, air pollution and desertification. This assembly demonstrated the ability of countries to unite and resolve environmental issues despite deep divisions. In this article, we will explore the key issues discussed during the assembly and their importance in protecting the planet and pursuing sustainable development.
The UNEA, considered the highest decision-making body on environmental issues, brought together world leaders and representatives of civil society and the private sector in Nairobi, Kenya. During this edition, 19 resolutions were discussed, addressing a wide range of topics, from the fight against desertification to the containment of atmospheric pollution. These resolutions are part of a global effort to face the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, considering them as interdependent challenges.
Major issues addressed by the Assembly
Among the highlights of the assembly was the Ministerial Declaration adopted at the end of the assembly, in which the countries pledged to redouble their efforts to counteract these problems and work together toward a promising future. In addition to this declaration, 15 resolutions were adopted that address issues such as sustainable extraction, reduction of chemical and waste pollution, sustainable management of freshwater supply, among others. These resolutions will lay the groundwork for the formulation of global treaties and the implementation of more effective policies at the national level.
In the midst of a critical moment for our planet, with climate change on the rise, many species in danger of extinction and pollution as a cause of premature death, the sixth UNEA assembly was an opportunity for ministers, business people, scientists and environmental activists from different parts of the world to discuss solutions and actions to be taken in the face of this triple planetary crisis. Although the resolutions adopted have no binding legal force, they represent a significant first step towards reaching environmental agreements and policies at both global and national levels.

The UN assembly concludes this edition with a clear recognition of the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was emphasized how this triple planetary crisis disproportionately affects the living conditions of the most vulnerable, deepening the gap between the rich and the poor. In this regard, world leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the SDGs and took advantage of the assembly to renew their call for joint and effective action for the benefit of the world and future generations.
Continue your professional training
Now more than ever, committed and trained professionals in the field of environmental management and audits are needed to face these global challenges. At the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB), we offer the Master’s Degree in Environmental Management and Audits, a comprehensive and relevant program that will prepare students to become leaders with awareness and solutions to today’s environmental problems. This master’s degree offers a comprehensive perspective, combining tactics and strategies to properly assess, monitor and manage the environmental impact of organizations.
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Sources: Comienza la Asamblea de la ONU sobre el Medio Ambiente en un momento crítico para el planeta