

What AI platforms can you use to boost your business?


AI platforms have become powerful allies for business growth and efficiency.

In most companies, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a great ally for the growth of small and medium-sized companies. It is already part of their routine processes. According to CapTerra, in Brazil, four out of ten companies already use AI in the Human Resources (HR) department. Enabling companies to compete in an increasingly demanding market.

One of the most used platforms is ChatGPT. It has become the favorite of many companies; however, it is not the only one that exists. There are other platforms that can contribute to improve the processes of the companies.

Other AI platforms


It is a graphic design platform that has two AI tools: text generator and magic design. In the first one, a first version of words can be formed for a creative process such as a blog outline, lists, biographies, etc. The second realizes ideas through a selection of templates. The user can design with templates or start from scratch.


It is a specialized platform for meetings and business calls as it transcribes, synthesizes, searches, and analyzes voice conversations. It helps companies to synthesize what is discussed and analyze the decisions made in meetings.


It is a marketplace that links companies with B2B service providers. It is a free tool that helps companies solve business challenges in various industries. Upon learning of the problem, oHub provides a diagnosis, suggests solutions, and notifies vendors who can help.


It is a chatbot developed by Google and consists of a conversational AI developed to train natural human-like dialogues. You can ask questions and request itineraries, e-mails, among others. It is a direct competitor of ChatGPT.

Finally, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNIB) offers the Master in Strategic Management with a Specialty in Management.

Source: Check out four AI platforms to boost your business beyond your business ChatGPT


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