

Revolutionary advances in AI presented at Microsoft Build 2024


The year 2024 has marked a turning point in the history of technology with Microsoft Build, an event that not only exceeded all expectations, but also presented more than 60 innovations destined to radically transform the artificial intelligence (AI) landscape. From Seattle to every corner of the online world, this event has brought together more than 200,000 professionals, cementing itself as a must-attend summit that redefines the future of AI and underscores Microsoft’s pivotal role in this technological revolution. Get ready to explore the latest developments that are shaping tomorrow’s technology and discover how these innovations are shaping entire industries and improving everyday life through intelligent and ethical solutions.

Real-Time innovation with Microsoft Fabric

One of the stars of Microsoft Build 2024 is Real-Time Intelligence, a SaaS solution that enables companies to analyze and act on real-time data accurately and efficiently. This breakthrough not only promises to transform sectors such as automotive, with applications in performance and safety during races, as Dener Motorsport is already doing, but also sets new standards in real-time data processing capabilities.

Expanding GitHub Copilot with custom extensions

GitHub Copilot takes a leap forward at Microsoft Build 2024 with the introduction of new extensions developed in collaboration with partners such as Azure and Docker. These extensions allow developers to customize their experience directly from the GitHub Copilot interface, facilitating integration with other services and accelerating application development through advanced AI capabilities.

Hand holding a sphere with different logos: world, padlock, a footprint, etc. In the center the logo of a microchip that says AI.
Azure is positioned as the leading platform for AI workloads and high-performance computing.

New horizons in Azure AI with multimodal models

The release of GPT-4o and Phi-3-vision in Azure AI marks a monumental breakthrough in content generation and multimodal data processing. These models not only improve the responsiveness and accuracy of AI applications, but also open up new possibilities in image, text and audio analytics at enterprise scale, redefining data analysis and processing capabilities in the enterprise environment.

Strategic collaboration and new AI capabilities

Microsoft continues to expand its AI ecosystem with strategic partnerships such as Cognition AI, which offers advanced solutions for project modernization and code migration. In addition, with the launch of new virtual machines based on Microsoft’s Cobalt processor and AMD’s MI300X accelerator chip, Azure is positioned as the leading platform for AI workloads and high-performance computing.

The promising future of Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot Studio is highlighted at the event by introducing enhanced capabilities for AI agents, enabling developers to create copilots adaptable to various business tasks and scenarios. These innovations are designed to optimize operational efficiency and real-time decision making, showcasing Microsoft’s continued commitment to AI innovation.

Conclusion of the Microsoft Build 2024

Microsoft Build 2024 represents a crucial milestone in the evolution of AI, setting new standards in ethics and responsibility in the use of technology. From business applications to advances in language models, the innovations presented at this event have the potential to redefine entire industries and improve everyday life with intelligent and ethical solutions.

Study with us 

Considering the article on Microsoft Build 2024 and its focus on the artificial intelligence revolution, our institution’s Master in Strategic Management with a specialty in Telecommunications offers an ideal educational path for those who wish to lead in this dynamic technological landscape. The convergence of AI with telecommunications is fundamental in today’s digital transformation. Studying this program will not only equip you with advanced skills in strategic management and leadership, but will also prepare you to take advantage of emerging opportunities in implementing and optimizing technologies such as those presented at Microsoft Build 2024.

Join us to explore how you can be part of the leading edge of digital transformation, applying advanced telecommunications expertise and strategy to drive the future of global communications in innovative and ethical ways.

Source: Microsoft introduces more than 60 new products and solutions to continue leading the development of Artificial Intelligence.


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