

Did you know that there is an AI model that can read the human mind?


An AI model that can read the human mind by analyzing brain activity has been created.

Researchers at the University of Singapore developed a technique that makes it possible to examine brain images, thanks to artificial intelligence. This technology can recreate the contents and thoughts that people visualize in their minds. This technological advance could provide insight into how people process and perceive the world around them. It could also help to deeply understand neurological disorders and cognitive impairments.

How does the AI model work?

The system is based on a process called Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI). It consists of a method that captures images of human brain activity.

The AI model is called MinD-Vis and is capable of analyzing brain signals collected with FMRI. It then converts them into data that feeds AI technologies. Thus, this model, coupled with Machine Learning algorithms, decodes the information provided. The result is that it makes low-quality representations that show what the person is thinking at the time.

This means that this model captures brain activities and then translates them into a language understandable to researchers. This is the same as ChatGPT understanding people’s natural language, according to Qing, one of the project’s researchers.

AI Objective

According to the researchers, the goal of this technology is to provide a tool to help gain a deeper understanding of neurological disorders and cognitive impairments. Scientists are also interested in understanding how people perceive and process the elements that make up the world around them.

In response to these statements, users expressed concern about how this system invades people’s privacy, as it accesses their inner thoughts.

Therefore, this technology could help understand brain disorders and impairments; however, it could also pose a danger to people’s privacy. It all depends on the use that human beings can make of it.

Finally, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNIB) offers the Master in Strategic Management with a Specialty in Information Technology.

Source: Cómo funciona el modelo de inteligencia artificial que puede leer nuestros pensamientos


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