

Do You Know What the Pandemic of Childhood Is?


Today, the daily life of children has completely changed  due to the large number and variety of electronic devices they have at their disposal.

It has changed the way they use their time, the type of play and the ways they interact with family members and other children. Therefore, their major connection is with the screens: cell phones, tablets, computers and video game consoles make up their immediate environment. 

However, spending many hours in front of screens triggers many health risks,including childhood overweight and obesity. 

Effects of the Use of Screens in Children 


The constant use of devices not only harms psychological development and their ability to learn. It also triggers many diseases, such as childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease and hypertension in adulthood. 

In addition, there is a high rate of vision problems in children as a consequence of the effects of high screen exposure. 

Hyperactivity and Aggressiveness 

Another effect of the use of electronic devices is hyperactivity; due to the excessive stimulation they receive every day. There are more and more cases of problems of children with nervousness and the need to move constantly. 

This situation is related to another similar factor: aggressiveness. Many children reflect the violence and aggression of many television programs and games in their behaviors with their family members. Some have difficulty falling asleep.

Therefore, the use of technology and electronic devices at an early age has several negative effects on healththat parents need to be aware of plus the amount of time they allow their children to use screens and mobile devices.  

UNINI (Puerto Rico) offers the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management with a Specialization in Information Technology.  Source: Technological sedentariness: new pandemics in childhood


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