Teachers Education

Teachers Education

Specialized apps to practice mindfulness at school


In recent years, mindfulness has established itself as an efficient technique to promote concentration, both for children and adults.

Educational demands, participation in various extracurricular activities and homework load generate a high level of pressure on students. For this purpose, there are specialized apps that make it possible to learn to control stress levels and train the ability to concentrate.

Apps to practice mindfulness

Think, breathe, act

It is an app aimed at children between 2 and 5 years old to learn basic breathing control techniques to calm down; this way, children are taught the practice of mindfulness from an early age.

When students get upset or frustrated with a challenge, this app will help them practice deep breathing to focus and release tension.


This app provides techniques and clinical assistance to treat stress, anxiety, and depression. One of the methods he uses is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and meditation. It also tracks daily moods and the interaction between users. In addition, it provides personalized tools such as relaxation moments, meditation, mindfulness exercises, or coping with a stressful moment. It is suitable for children from 12 years of age.

Smiling mind

It was designed by educators and psychologists to help create a balance in the users’ minds. It uses meditation and provides many tools depending on the age; it is suitable for children and adults. It also offers the section ‘Mindfulness in the Classroom’; designed for students to cope with stress, routine and academic pressure.

Positive penguins

Its purpose is to develop resilience in children and foster self-awareness of their emotions. It also presents a short meditation for children to learn to relax and to control their sudden thoughts that generate bad behaviors. It is suitable for ages 3 and up.

Zen Elephant

Designed for adults and children; therefore, it is suitable for family or group meditation activities with the teacher and students. It offers different guided courses. For example, to learn to meditate in 7 days, to reduce stress and anxiety; for beginners and the little ones at home. It also includes nature sounds and music to relax and disconnect the mind. It is free of charge.

Lastly, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNIB), offers the Master in Education with a Specialty in Higher Education.

Source: Apps to practice mindfulness with students


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