

7 Most Sustainable Cities in the World


The most outstanding cities were found to be in Europe. These are cities that are already struggling with aging populations, climate change and the consequences of the pandemic. However, they have already taken sustainable measures to provide a better quality of life for the inhabitants. This in order to face the challenges of the future. 

The 7 Most Sustainable Cities in the World 

  1. London. The city at the top of the list is London because of its human capital, international profile, urban planning and governance. Its weakness is in the United Kingdom, in terms of social cohesion and the environment. 
  2. New York. This city stands out for its economy, mobility areas, transportation, urban planning, human capital and international profile.  New York is also relatively weak in social cohesion and environment. 
  3. Paris. It stood out for its international profile, mobility, transportation, and human capital. However, it was below in its environment. 
  4. Tokyo. It excelled in its economy, its international profile, its government and its technology. This city lags behind in urban planning, mobility and transportation. 
  5. Berlin. This city is quite balanced:it excelled in its governance, urban planning and human capital. Its weakness is the economy.  
  6. Washington D.C. It excelled in its human capital, technology, governance and planning. But it must improve in social cohesion and environment. 
  7. Singapore. This city excelled in its technology and international profile. However, the environment and mobility must be improved. 

On the other hand, African cities are at the bottom of the ranking. While Latin American cities occupy the last positions. 

TheInternational Iberoamerican University (UNINI Puerto Rico) offers the Master’s Degree in Design, Management and Project Management with Specialization in Architecture and Urbanism 

Photograph: All rights reserved. Source: Top 10 most sustainable cities in the world


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