

How to Solve the Problem of Flooding in Cities?


Chinese architect Kongjian Yu has developed a project known as “sponge cities” to solve the problem of flooding in city centers. 

In the words of Kongjian Yu “floods are not our enemy” and that we can even become “friends” with them. 

The Project

The architect’s idea is to manage water correctly so that, instead of channeling it and sending it far away from the cities, it is used in the city itself.

Filtered rainwater can be used to fill lakes, allowing it to pass through the soil and thus feeding groundwater.

In order to break the cycle of floods and shortages at different times of the year, the project proposes the creation of wetlands, permeable soils and the restoration of riverbanks.

Along these lines, the concept of sponge cities has been applied in Hong Kong, specifically in a soccer stadium with the construction of a rainwater tank with a capacity of 60,000 m³.

Other countries such as Germany, the United States, Russia and Indonesia are also opting for actions along the same lines.

In terms of numbers, Chinese cities aim for 20% of urban areas to be able to absorb and store 70% of rainwater.

The goal is to have less asphalt, less concrete so that there are more lakes and parks.

Other Benefits

Approaches such as sponge cities provide more green spaces within urban areas that benefit the residents themselves.

In the same way, it contributes to reducing the city’s wastewater.

Green roofs, vertical and rain gardens are also part of the strategies to absorb water from rainfall.

In general terms, it seeks to reconnect with the earth so that we finally understand that we are part of it.

The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB) offers different academic programs in the area of Projects. One of the courses they offer is the Master’s Degree in Design, Management

Source: Sponge Cities, against floods – Ecocosas Photograph: All rights reserved.


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