

Nuclear propulsion: a new horizon for shipping


Shipping, a major source of global carbon emissions, is facing a significant transformation. Thanks to the advance of nuclear propulsion, the maritime industry could become cleaner and more efficient. In a context where alternatives are being sought to achieve decarbonization goals, nuclear power is emerging as a viable solution. This technology has the potential to eliminate CO2 emissions and extend the lifetime of commercial ships. However, its widespread adoption faces regulatory, technological and safety challenges.

Small reactors: the future of marine energy

Lloyd’s Register’s “Fuel for Thought: Nuclear” report highlights that small modular reactors (SMRs) could be key to emission-free shipping. These low-maintenance, high-performance reactors are ideal for meeting the energy needs of commercial vessels. Unlike traditional reactors, SMRs are designed with a focus on safety, efficiency and modularity, making them easy to integrate into ships. With technological advancement, ship designs optimized for nuclear propulsion are expected to emerge.

Overcoming regulatory and safety barriers

Nuclear propulsion is not without its challenges. Addressing regulatory and safety issues is critical. The adoption of this technology requires strict protocols to protect people and the environment. Lloyd’s Register proposes an approach based on Risk Based Certification (RBC), which would allow early nuclear projects to demonstrate their safety in a manner similar to conventional ships. However, public perception of nuclear power and investment uncertainties remain significant barriers.

A key partner in decarbonization

Shipping accounts for approximately 3% of global CO2 emissions. To reach the goal of net zero emissions in this sector, effective solutions need to be found. Companies such as A.P. Moller-Maersk are exploring the feasibility of nuclear propulsion for container shipping. In a joint study with Lloyd’s Register and Core Power, Maersk is assessing the regulatory and safety aspects of nuclear-powered vessels.

Cargo container concept with recycling logo.
Thanks to the advancement of nuclear propulsion, the maritime industry could become cleaner and more efficient.

Mikal Bøe, CEO of Core Power, has pointed out that “there is no net zero without nuclear power.” The key to harnessing nuclear power in shipping lies in establishing a regulatory framework that allows the operation of floating nuclear reactors in ports and near-shore waterways. If safety and waste management challenges are overcome, nuclear propulsion could become a viable option for decarbonizing the logistics sector in the coming years.

A path to sustainability

The evolution of nuclear technology for shipping is undisputed. However, its widespread adoption will depend on resolving key issues such as safety and regulation. While nuclear power may be one of the most effective solutions for reducing emissions from the maritime sector, its implementation requires a collaborative effort.

As fourth-generation nuclear reactors and other innovations are developed, nuclear propulsion could become an essential tool for the maritime sector to meet its decarbonization goals. This would offer more sustainable and environmentally friendly ships. However, the path to its adoption is not without obstacles and will require a concerted effort to ensure a cleaner future for our oceans.

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Nuclear propulsion could transform maritime with more reliable, emissions-free and longer-lived ships

Maersk to explore viability of nuclear-powered container shipping

The Case for Nuclear Cargo Ships


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