

Keys to teaching children about financial education


September not only marks the return to school, but also an excellent opportunity to instill in children a vital skill that will benefit them throughout their lives: financial education. In a world where advertising and consumerism are the order of the day, teaching children how to manage money is more crucial than ever. This blog explores proven strategies that will help you guide your children toward a healthy financial future. Read on to discover how you can turn finances into a fun and lasting lesson.

Effort as the source of money

One of the first steps in children’s financial education is to help kids understand where money comes from. Explaining that money is the result of work can change their perspective from an early age. You can do this by sharing simple details about your job and showing how your daily effort translates into a paycheck. This initial understanding is key for them to value money and not see it as an unlimited resource.

An excellent way to reinforce this lesson is through paid household chores. By performing simple tasks in exchange for a small paycheck, children learn that effort is rewarded, teaching them the importance of hard work in achieving their goals.

Cultivate the discipline of saving

Saving is a fundamental concept that can easily be taught at home. Creating a piggy bank with your child is an effective and fun way to introduce the idea of saving. Encourage your child to deposit a portion of his or her money in the piggy bank with the goal of buying something he or she wants in the future. This practice not only teaches the importance of saving, but also patience and the ability to plan for the long term.

Instilling smart spending habits

Children learn by watching, and your financial habits influence theirs. Showing them how to differentiate between needs and wants, and teaching them how to plan their spending, can have a lasting impact. For example, if your child wants a new toy, teach them to evaluate whether it’s a need or a want. These types of decisions help them understand the importance of prioritizing and managing their finances responsibly.

Budgeting: a practical lesson

Another practical strategy is to take children shopping on a limited budget. Giving them a specific amount of money to spend at the supermarket will allow them to make decisions about which products to buy and which to leave out. This experience not only introduces the concept of budgeting, but also teaches children to make informed decisions about how to use their money.

A parent hands her child some bills, which are her allowance.
Giving a weekly or monthly allowance can be a valuable tool for teaching children about money management.

The educational value of allowance

Giving a weekly or monthly allowance can be a valuable tool for teaching children about money management. However, it is essential that this allowance be accompanied by guidance on how to save and spend. The allowance should be enough for them to buy something they want, but it should also be accompanied by teachings about the importance of saving and financial planning.

Learning from financial mistakes

Supervision is crucial in the financial learning process for children. It’s normal for them to make mistakes, such as spending all their money on candy, but these moments can become valuable life lessons. Instead of scolding, use these situations to guide them and help them plan better for the future.

Start financial education in childhood

Financial education can start from an early age. Before elementary school, basic concepts can be introduced through games that simulate transactions. From the age of seven, when children already have a better understanding of basic mathematics, it is a good time to start giving them an allowance and teaching them how to save.


Starting children in financial education not only prepares them to manage their money effectively in the future, but also teaches them core values such as patience, responsibility and the importance of effort. Take this opportunity to sow in them the seeds of a healthy and conscious financial life.

Boost your career

Financial education lays the foundation for a healthy financial life and also prepares professionals to make effective strategic decisions. Just as the principles of saving and planning are essential in everyday life, the Master in Strategic Management with a specialty in Management offers key tools to lead successfully in the business world. This program will help you develop strategic skills to meet challenges and make informed decisions. Find out how this master’s degree can boost your career and prepare you for success in business here.


How to explain the value of money to children?

Should we give our children allowances?


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