

Highlight your booth at a trade show


In order to stand out at a trade fair or business event, clear strategies and prior preparation of the material and activities to be promoted are needed.

Trade shows are the perfect places to present products, engage potential customers, and establish corporate links with important partners. 

Therefore, it is necessary to plan every detail of the process, the stand itself, and the communication to be carried out at the fair. In this way, it will be easier to achieve said objectives and attract the public’s attention. 

Elements to consider 

A good structure and distribution 

When preparing a good trade show booth, it is necessary to organize it according to the service or product you want to offer. The areas of the booth can be distributed in different sections. For example, assigning one  office area, one meeting area, and one area to interact with the public. The idea is to make the most of the space without losing comfort. 

Convey an accurate and unified vision

When organizing the stand it is important to reflect an accurate and joint vision of the whole company. That is to say, to determine that the elements that are incorporated create a universe as a whole, that they are related to each other, and that they can transmit a direct and clear message to the public. 

Bright colors and direct illumination 

Colors and lighting are two factors that must be taken into account to capture the public’s attention. Lighting should be focused on certain strategic points of the booth. For example, the place where the star products are placed. It is recommended to use the institutional colors in an eye-catching and colorful version; matching the lighting to reflect the brand’s personality. 

Interactive dynamics 

One way to attract the attention of potential customers and the general public is through interactive dynamics. It is necessary to experiment with fun dynamics, not only to explain what the services consist of, but also for the public to experience them live. In this way, the public can get a more pleasant impression of the booth.  


It is appreciated that a company invests in its own productions. These can be audiovisual productions or through means that are more adapted to the service or product. For example, a wine tasting or showcooking, a musical performance or a virtual reality experience  could be presented, among others. 

UNIB (Puerto Rico) offers the Master in Strategic Management with a specialty in Management

Source: What are the requirements for a good trade show booth? 


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